Business law: trust in our legal expertise to protect your business!
Whether you are looking for a long-term partnership or one-off advice, Cabinet Barbey is a law firm ready to respond to your needs. We know that you deal with multiple business partners on a daily basis and that it is not always easy to navigate your relationships with them. Whilst contracts and legal documents are essential for the running and development of your business, they are not always easy to decipher, and could expose you to liability. We are here to help!
As a law firm primarily designed to respond to the needs of small businesses, we have a binary approach to our work at Cabinet Barbey. Whilst catering efficiently and professionally to our clients’ immediate needs (drafting contracts or terms and conditions, managing litigation, for example), we simultaneously invest in the strategic well-being and development of their company.
We therefore bring rapid and simple responses, often orally, to legal questions that arise in our clients’ professional lives whilst taking into consideration their ongoing commercial, technical and employment needs. Faced with a complicated commercial relationship or questions surrounding the legal risks of a situation, big companies turn to in-house lawyers for legal advice.
It is just as important that small businesses receive precise answers to their questions. This is a service that we offer.
We will help you initiate your relationships with
+ Your clients
Drafting general terms and conditions : general terms and conditions of sale, terms of service, general conditions of use, general conditions of purchase
Putting in place personalised contracts to organise your distribution network (distribution, commercial agency, franchise, partnership, business provider, brokerage, mandate/procuration)
Putting in place standard model contracts for your business’ routine services and products
+ Your Suppliers
Rereading, commenting on and, if necessary, amending the contracts proposed by a commercial partner
Protecting you should you become dissatisfied with a product or service
Helping you to understand your rights and responsibilities regarding commercial property contracts: commercial leases or precarious occupation agreements
Drafting contracts for outsourced activities and services: outsourcing, tolling, manufacturing, industrial subcontracting, maintenance agreements
+ Your employees
Advising you on the most suitable employment contract
Verifying the applicable collective agreement
Putting in place work schedules which comply with legislation
Drafting employment contracts
+ Your partners or shareholders
Advising you on the most appropriate legal structure for your business
Putting in place a partnership or a shareholders’ agreement
If your relationship with a partner evolves
+ Your relationship with a partner evolves
Renegotiating contracts and putting in place amendments
Drafting commercial correspondence and letters of formal notice
Managing difficult contractual relationships
+ If you end a partnership
Advising on the implementation of strategic conflict management (pre-litigation), with the aim of avoiding litigation
Following litigation procedures (disputes relating to contracting parties’ obligations, questions regarding the interpretation of clauses of contracts, debt recovery)
Advising you on the appropriate termination of a contract depending on whether the contract is unlimited or limited in duration (termination or annulment)
Explaining your rights in the case of the termination of established commercial relationships
Maître Astrid Barbey, avocat au barreau de Paris
Maître Astrid Barbey
Fondatrice du Cabinet
Forte à la fois d’une expérience en Angleterre, puis en France, au sein de grands cabinets d’avocats, FTPA et Baker & McKenzie, mais également en tant que juriste en entreprise pour le laboratoire pharmaceutique AstraZeneca, c’est ce double regard sur son métier, à la fois d’avocat et de décisionnaire en entreprise, qu’Astrid BARBEY met désormais en pratique auprès des clients du Cabinet.
Astrid BARBEY jouit d’une expérience significative auprès de clients des secteurs de la santé et des sciences de la vie (produits de santé dont les dispositifs médicaux, industrie pharmaceutique, dispositifs médicaux, biotechnologies), notamment dans un environnement international.
Astrid BARBEY est diplômée du Magistère de Juriste d’Affaires Européen de la Faculté de Nancy et de la Faculté de droit de Lancaster (Royaume-Uni).

Référence le Cabinet Barbey pour une pratique réputée en :
Santé, Pharma & Biotechnologies
Droit réglementaire
Santé, Pharma & Biotechnologies
Santé électronique
Concurrence & Distribution
Santé & Industrie Pharma
Contactez nos avocats d’affaires
tél : + 33 1 83 62 36 99
26 avenue de la Grande Armée - 75017 Paris
Accès : Argentine / Ch. De Gaulle-Etoile